Spiral Journey International Programs

6-Month International Facilitator Development Program

Facilitated by Constance Washburn, Mutima Imani and Molly Brown

Join an international cohort of people dedicated to the Great Turning towards a just and thriving future for all beings. Participate in our 6-month online learning community to develop facilitation skills in the Work That Reconnects. Offered annually from September through March.

Empowered Elder Workshop

Facilitated by Constance Washburn and Wende Love

Constance Washburn and Wende Love will offer a 7-webinar series following the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects to explore what it means to be an Elder in these challenging times. Provides 16 hours of WTR practice and experiences.

A Seven Week Journey of Exploration and Connection

Together we will grow a community of interconnected Elders during our seven interactive online sessions. The Empowered Elder Workshop provides a safe space for Elders to explore and share deeply what is on their hearts about the world, the future and their roles as elders. As we move around the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects we will investigate what it means to be an elder, why the world today especially calls us to step up as elders to address the social and environmental challenges humanity faces.

I came to realize more clearly than before the healing power of interconnectedness with others, human and more than human! I felt supported and connected to the group in a way that surprised me. This Elderhood work is crucial work, actually astonishingly deep and meaningful work, both for us as individuals and also for our culture. This course is answering a profound need, and all the resources and practices are rich and powerful.